How to Resolve Top 8 Common WordPress Errors?

How to Resolve Top 8 Common WordPress Errors?

This post contains solutions to eight common WordPress issues; please read it.

We cannot dispute that WordPress is one of the most popular systems for building websites nowadays. As much as we like it, there are moments when WordPress makes website maintenance a nightmare.

Whether it's an annoying white screen of death or an unexpected database problem that causes your website to crash, WordPress is no fun when such errors occur. Thankfully, there is a solution for every difficulty, and WordPress is no exception.

If you do not enjoy getting your hands dirty in coding and fooling about with WordPress files, you can always seek the assistance of specialists.

Outsourcing WordPress Development is a sure-fire way to eliminate any WordPress issues once and for all. Yet, if you prefer to "do it yourself," we've got you covered.

We'll go through some of the most frequent WordPress mistakes that webmasters see, as well as how to fix them. I hope you find these useful.

1. Have you ever attempted to install WordPress?

If so, you've undoubtedly seen this mistake before. Furthermore, this is a self-explanatory mistake. The error means that you were unable to connect to your database.

This issue can be caused by a number of factors, including a mistake in wp-config.php, a problem with web hosting, or hacking.


Update your wp-config.php file.

Check the database information, including the database name, host, username, and password, in your wp-config.php file using FTP or Cpanel's file manager. If you are a novice, you should learn a few things about the wp-config file.

Well, the crucial information is placed behind a remark that says

//** MySQL settings – you can get this information from your web host **//
/** The name of the database for WordPress **//

define (‘DB Name’, ‘your_database_name’);
and so on…..

It resolves difficulties with the web host.

If your wp-config.php file is perfect, it's time to contact your web hosting provider. You'd find out whether your database has reached its quota or if there are any temporary troubles with the server.

Check your website for hacker attempts.

WordPress website hacking is a prevalent technique since it is one of the most susceptible CMSs accessible due to its popularity. If everything is good with your hosting server, you should protect your website against hacker threats.

Add a plugin or two, such as Sucuri Site check, to guarantee that everything is in order and that nothing will harm your site. Also, keep regular backups of your site in case something goes wrong.

Lost Admin password or email is not working

You've forgotten your admin password or your email isn't working.

It's natural to forget a password or two when you have so many to remember. In truth, remembering passwords might be difficult at times.

Sadly, WordPress, like other systems, makes it impossible to retrieve or reset your site's admin password. You clicked on the "forgot your password" link, and entered your email address to receive the password change link, but you did not receive any link in your inbox. Yeah, this does occur with WordPress.

Use the power of the database

Log in to your cPanel and launch phpMyAdmin from the databases area. Next, click on the name of your database. Several tables should be shown in the appropriate tab.

Click on the wp-users table and then browse. You should see a row with your username information, such as username, password, ID, and other details.

It's now time to update your password in the user pass field. Before you save it, be sure to select MD5 from the menu option.

Modify your functions.php file.

Connect to your server through FTP and access the "functions.php" file. Reset your password by inserting the following code.

wp-password('DesiredNewPassword, 1); Modify the value of desiredNewPassword to your new password, and the other argument is the wp-users table user ID. Save all modifications made to the file and upload it to your FTP.

Connection timed out error

This is one of the most common but critical errors that can occur on a busy shared server.


1. Extensive themes or plugins

2. typographical mistakes in theme functionalities

3. PHP Memory Limit Exceeded

Solutions: Because the issue is tied to intensive website activity, you may simply resolve it by deleting any recent heavy plugins and switching back to a basic theme such as 'twenty thirteen' or 'twenty-twelve' to see whether the problem remains.

You may also boost your PHP memory limit by including a line of code in your functions.php define('WP-MEMORY-LIMIT', '256M') or by including this line of code at the beginning of your.htaccess file.

Stylesheet Missing

You most likely purchased a lovely and intriguing theme from a reliable source, but when you try to install it, you get a "theme install failed" problem. Frustrating. Isn't that, right?

There are two possibilities: you were robbed (which we hope isn't the case) or you failed to submit a root theme folder.


Open your theme folder and look for a sub-directory. Locate a folder with the same name as your theme. Now zip it up and try uploading it using FTP or WordPress.

404 Page errors

Have you recently encountered a 404 problem on your blog's page? That is widespread and is generally caused by incorrect permalink settings. This is a regular issue with custom post type’s themes.


To set things right, you must make some adjustments to your permalinks. Go to settings, then permalinks. Choose an appropriate selection and press the save button. Check to see whether your post is still generating a 404 error.

Internal Server Error.

This is one of the most perplexing issues. It appeared as "Internal Server Error" or "500 Internal Server Error" most of the time. It indicates that there is an issue, but it cannot be discovered by the Server. Here is when things become complicated.

Where may the problem occur? You must figure this out for yourself. Let us look at the answers to this problem.


Following these steps will help you figure out what the problem is.

1. Search for a corrupt.htaccess file. Rename the file to something like.htaccess pre. Next, launch your website. If the issue is in your.htaccess file, the issue is resolved. Otherwise, you must take additional measures.

2. Experiment with raising your PHP Memory Limit. If you only get this problem while attempting to connect to your WordPress account, create a blank text file and call it php.ini.

Then type memory=64MB inside the box. Save the file and use FTP to upload it to /wp-admin/. If the problem persists, go to the next step.

3. Try uploading your core files again. Note that it will not alter anything but may help if your core files are corrupt.

WordPress White Screen of Death

This is another perplexing mistake. It provides no hints at all. This is why removing this mistake has become increasingly critical. But how exactly? How do you approach this issue? Simply follow these solutions.


Take these procedures to identify the source of your issue.

1. Experiment with raising the PHP memory limit. This is frequently the case and is usually resolved with this step alone. Nonetheless, if your problem persists, go to the following step.

2. Turn off all plugins. If the issue is resolved by deactivating the plugins. Next, one by one, activate them to see which one is causing the issue. If the problem persists, go to the next step.

3. Replace your current theme with the default theme. This step usually resolves the problem.

Error Message: Resource Limit Exceeded

When you choose a hosting provider that allows you to set a storage limit, transfer limitations, and user traffic limits. When those are exceeded before the end of the month, the error notice is displayed. So, what alternatives do you have now? Let's have a look at the solutions below.


1. Follow the procedures below to resolve this issue.

The only answer here is to upgrade your account.

2. You may, however, verify the status of your bandwidth by navigating to cPanel, then logs, then Resource, and finally Details. If your cPanel does not have a Log option, you may check it under Bandwidth.

This is the only answer to the problem.

Finally, dealing with issues on your WordPress website might be difficult at times. You may, however, get rid of them quickly with a little patience and prudence.

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